Prioritize time to prepare and allow for good, efficient sleep.
Get extra sleep on the 2 nights before games.
Have a consistent bedtime and morning routine.
7-8 Hours, Sleep for at least 7-8 hours each night.
No phone use 45-60 mins before bed.
Take a nap if you have time and have recently experienced poor sleep.
<68 degrees, Sleep in a “cold” dark, & quiet room.
No caffeine consumption 6 hours before bed.
Don’t go to bed hungry or dehydrated. But plan ahead to prevent big meals or lots of liquids before bed.
Take warm/hot showers before bed for decompression and relaxation.
Infographic References
Broderick, V., Uiga, L., & Driller, M. (2019). Flotation-restricted environmental stimulation therapy improves sleep and performance recovery in athletes. Performance Enhancement & Health, 7(1–2), 100149.
Caldwell, L. K. (2019). The Influence of Acute Flotation-Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy on Recovery from High Intensity Resistance Exercise [The Ohio State University].
Driller, M. W., & Argus, C. K. (2016). Flotation restricted environmental stimulation therapy and napping on mood state and muscle soreness in elite athletes: A novel recovery strategy? Performance Enhancement & Health, 5(2), 60–65.
McAleney, P. J., Barabasz, A., & Barabasz, M. (1990). Effects of Flotation Restricted Environmental Stimulation on Intercollegiate Tennis Performance. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 71(3), 1023–1028.
Morgan, P. M., Salacinski, A. J., & Stults-Kolehmainen, M. A. (2013). The Acute Effects of Flotation Restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique on Recovery From Maximal Eccentric Exercise. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 27(12), 3467–3474.
Wagaman, J. D., Barabasz, A. F., & Barabasz, M. (1991). Flotation Rest and Imagery in the Improvement of Collegiate Basketball Performance. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 72(1), 119–122.