HPC launches multi-year project augmenting, assessing performance in extreme environments

The Ohio State University's Human Performance Collaborative will serve as an academic partner on a multi-year project sponsored by Air Force Research Laboratory's Materials and Manufacturing Directorate (AFRL/RX) and led by the Florida Institute for Human & Machine Cognition (IHMC).  

The program “Augmenting and Assessing Performance in Extreme Environments” (A2PEX) aims for real-time sensing via wearable sensors, and assessment and augmentation of cognitive performance in missions conducted in extreme environments.   

The goal is to develop a robust wearable system that helps overcome fatigue and other stressors by continually sensing, assessing, and augmenting Airmen and Guardian performance.     

Additional collaborators include Georgia Institute of Technology, Triple Ring Technologies, Abbott Biowearables, electroCore, and Polar Electro.