

Cost: $150

Location: Physical Activity and Educational Services (PAES)
305 Annie and John Glenn Ave, Columbus, OH 43210
Room: PAES 145


Tactical Athletes have physically taxing work, leading to higher injury rates. This seminar will cover how to avoid injuries, the best approaches for rehabbing an injury, navigating the insurance and BWC process, and ideas for embedding healthcare within an agency. These sessions will be led by occupational health doctors, physical therapists, athletic trainers, and healthcare process experts. Each session will be focused on interactive learning that prepares attendees to return to their organization ready to share. Topics will include:

  • When to do self-care versus when to see a doctor
  • What should I do? Surgery, physical therapy, or other types of treatment?
  • Q&A on the Bureau of Workers' Compensation process
  • The most common injuries and how to avoid them

We invite anyone interested in improving their personal or organizational health and performance to join this event.

  • First responders (law enforcement, fire/rescue, paramedics, military)
  • Tactical instructors
  • Strength and conditioning coaches
  • Health and rehabilitation individuals interested in working with tactical personnel


The speakers will include medical doctors, physical therapists, athletic trainers, and researchers who focus on Occupational Health and Tactical Athletes. See their full profiles at the registration website.

Sam Wagner, MS, AT      
OSU Sports Medicine, Athletic Trainer

Chris Kolba, PhD, PT, CSCS      
OSU Sports Medicine, Physical Therapist

Patrick McKenna, DO, MPH      
OSU Occupational Medicine, Physician

Michael Krill, MD, ATC      
OSU Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Physician

Brian Wilson, DC, MHA      
Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation, Director of Medical and Health Services Research

Melody Dials, MPA      
Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation, Claims Director

Marek Greer, MD, MPH      
OSU Occupational Medicine, Physician

Adam Culiver, PT, DPT, SCS      
OSU Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Post-Doctoral Scholar

David Wu, PT, DPT      
OSU Sport Medicine, Orthopedic Physical Therapy Resident

Cody Mansfield, PT, DPT, AT      
OSU Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Physical Therapist

Carly Smith, PT, DPT      
OSU Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, PhD Student

Jaclyn Caccese, PhD, FACSM      
OSU Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Assistant Professor, Athletic Training

Nathan Edwards, PhD, TSAC-F      
OSU Human Performance Collaborative, Research Scientist

James Onate, PhD, AT, ATC      
OSU Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Professor, Athletic Training


0800 - 0830

0830 - 0845

Injury Care and Treatments

0845 - 0930

0945 - 1030

1030 - 1115

1115 - 1200

Dealing with and Avoiding Injury

1200 - 1300

1315 - 1415



TACH2F Cohort Introduction


Self-Care vs Seeking Help

Types of Treatment and Doctors

Unconventional Treatment Options



Navigating Insurance and BWC after an Injury

Lightning Talks: Avoiding the Most Common Injuries

Embedding Health Care within an Organization

Please email Nathan Edwards at edwards.1614@osu.edu with any questions.